2024 - private house - luxe...
In progress - 2 private houses - remersc...
2018 - transformation of a private house...
2018 - private house - bech-kleinmacher...
2017 - private house - gonderange - luxe...
2017 - transformation of a barn into a h...
2017 - extension of a private house - li...
2015 - housing subdivision “am doelchen“...
2015 - Housing Subdivision “Am Doelchen“...
2016 - extension of a private house - di...
2015 – house for a famous art collector...
2015 - transformation of a private house...
2015 - private house obertin-marx - well...
2014 - 23 serial houses rilspert - bertr...
2013 - private house - grevenmacher - lu...
2013 - 4 private houses - canach - luxem...
2013 - project private house - remersche...
2013 - transformation of a private house...
2012 - project private house - bettembou...
2012 - project private house - wintrange...
2012 - project private house - bech-klei...
2012 - wintergarden for a private house...
2012 - conversion of a grocery store and...
2012 - private houses « op der wollefska...
2011 - transformation of a barn into a p...
2011 - private house and swimming pool -...
2011 - private house & wine cellar - sch...
2011 - transformation private house - re...
2011 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2011 - project for a wintergarden - fars...
2011 - extension of a wintergarden for a...
2011 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2011 conversion of the “kayser house” -...
2010 - project renovation and extension...
2010 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2009 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2009 - private house - walferdange - lux...
2009 - two villas - baku - azerbaijan
2009 - renovation of a private house - r...
2007 - private house - wormeldange - lux...
2007 - private house - trier - germany
2007 - private house - mamer - luxembour...
2007 - private house extension - remersc...
2009 - private house extension - liefran...
2006 - private house - machtum - luxembo...
2006 - private houses - remerschen - lux...
2005 - private house - Liefrange - luxem...
2003 - atteneder house scherbandgasse -...
2002 - konrad adenauer house - luxembour...
2002 - private house extension - strasse...
2000 - semi-detached private house - kop...
2000 - private house - wellenstein - lux...
2000 - transforamtion biedermeierhaus -...
1999 - private house - remich - luxembou...
1999 - private house - vienna - austria
1997 - private house transformation - ba...
1997 - individual and semi-detached hous...
1997 - privat house - samen - luxembourg
1997 - private house - vienna - austria
1997 - private house - vienna - austria
1997 - house karow - berlin - germany
1997 - private house (am seitweg) - klos...
1996 - transformation of the porcelain h...
1995 - house (am josefssteig) - klostern...
1994 - renovation project- bascharage -...
1993 - house “anna” - remerschen - luxem...
1991 - private house - vienna - austria
1990 - private house - boulaide - luxemb...
1989 - private house - aspelt - luxembou...
1989 - private house - bereldange - luxe...
1989 - private house - remich - luxembou...
1987 - private house - bech-kleinmacher...
1987 - private house - vienna - austria
1986 - villa rauchstraße for I.B.A. - b...
1985 - private house - schengen - luxemb...
1985 - housing and open space - vienna -...
1985 - private house - wintrange - luxem...
1979 - honorable mention "a house for k....
1979 - schinkel house - austria
apartment buildings
In progress - terraced houses - ellange...
2021 - residential housing « coeur impér...
2020 - transformation of a winegrowers h...
2019 - apartment building “kräizbierg” -...
2018 – shahe residential building & land...
2016 - residential building “route d’esc...
2015 – low-carbon city - shenzhen - chin...
2014 – general development plan & subdiv...
2013 - competition housing development d...
2013 - competition housing development d...
2013 - PAP and construction of an apartm...
2012 - competition housing development-...
2011 – six apartment buildings with 33 d...
2010 - project donnerpark - saarlouis -...
2010 - housing development - beijing - c...
2010 - housing development district grün...
2008 - competition hotel construction -...
2008 - apartment house a spunjesch - rem...
2007 - dwelling house a woiwer - differd...
2006 - competition invited entry for apa...
2006 - avalon housing development, house...
2006 - jankowitz office and residential...
2004 - competition "wohnen am park" - vi...
2005 - apartment building and offices ei...
2005 - apartment building am gleisdreiec...
2005 - residential complex schwechat-fra...
2005 - competition invited entry boardin...
2005 - competition housing developement...
2005 - competition housing developement...
2000 - youth hostel - remerschen - luxem...
2000 - competition invited entry for hou...
2000 - housing and offices, transformati...
2000 - apartment building anton boschgas...
2000 - extension and construction buildi...
1998 - avalon housing development, house...
1998 - housing development - purkersdorf...
1997 - apartment building - cologne - ge...
1997 - “housing and working”, ma 24 - vi...
1997 - housing estate “help to the famil...
1997 - housing - dudelange - luxembourg
1996 - local authority housing-former sc...
1996 - social lodgement - vienna - austr...
1996 - housing Postdam, 2 + 3 - berlin...
1996 - housing weissensee - berlin - ger...
1995 - office and appartments - schwegle...
1995 - apartment building - halle-saale...
1994 - apartment building - grevenmacher...
1992 - renovation and extension mannswör...
1992 - housing and commercial building -...
1990 - housing, erlachgasse - vienna - a...
1990 - housing development in luxembourg...
1990 - apartment building rémerwé - luxe...
in progress - immeuble de bureaux "le tr...
in progress – administration building –...
in progress – multipurpose complex lot 4...
in progress – new carpentry workshops -...
in progress – administration building “m...
in progress - Harbin Hepingcun Hotel and...
2020 - administrative building - cloche...
2017 - project for an administrative bui...
2017 - post headquarter competition - lu...
2015 - administrative and financial buil...
2012 - demolition and new office buildin...
2010 - competition for administrative bu...
2009 - transformation of the old post te...
2007 - administrative building moes - re...
2006 - competition administrative buildi...
2006 - commercial premises for society h...
2006 - administrative and industrial bui...
2006 - commerzbank - kirchberg - luxembo...
2005 - competition for local building of...
2003 - competition konrad adenauer build...
2003 - competition for police station -...
2004 - competition invited entry "heller...
2004 - competition post-office at the we...
2000 - cement works - esch/alzette - lux...
2000 - factory möllersdorf - vienna - au...
2000 - extension of administration build...
2000 - transformation of the city hall -...
1999 - transformation of the old leather...
1997 - administration building for s.e.s...
1996 - city hall - bech-keinmacher - lux...
1996 - competition for government buildi...
1996 - competition gasometer simmering -...
1995 - embassy of luxembourg - vienna -...
1995 - luxembourg architecture prize for...
1995 - competition building for parliame...
1994 - competition invited entry living...
1992 - house hermann and atelier hermann...
1990 - transformation of the shoe factor...
1984 - office HVP - remerschen - luxembo...
art & culture
in progress - wäinhaus - ehnen - luxembo...
in progress – open air concert venue at...
in progress – cultural complex and conce...
2018 – competition for a concert hall –...
2017 – renovation of the guang fulin the...
2017 – new concert hall with outdoor fa...
2017 - valentiny foundation - remerschen...
2016 - theater am ring - saarlouis - ger...
2016 - festival open air mozarteum - tra...
2015 - biodiversum "haff remich" - remer...
2015 - competition beethoven festspielha...
2015 - koch'haus - schengen - luxembour...
2014 - concert hall, swimming pool & mun...
2014 – competition for the “haus der mus...
2012 - competition observation tower - k...
2012 - competition construction commemor...
2012 - community hall - neuhausen - luxe...
2011 - competition for opera - busan - s...
2011 - column of nations - schengen - lu...
2010 - competition concert and opera hal...
2010 - competition music school - saarbr...
2010 - pavillion of luxembourg for the e...
2009 - competition for concerthall beeth...
2009 - theatre scenes : opera andre chen...
2009 - competition broelmuseum - kortrij...
2007 - competition for museum constructi...
2007 - congress hall - saarbrücken - ger...
2006 - competition museum and gallery of...
2006 - house for mozart - salzburg - aus...
2005 - culture center - aachen - germany
2005 - competition concert hall - wrocla...
2005 - dance cubes, place of grand theat...
2005 - eu-information center - schengen...
2003 - tower of dreams and longings - tr...
2003 - competition for the opera house -...
2001 - viaduct pulvermühle - luxembourg...
2001 - rackey gallery - bad-honnef - ger...
2001 - documentation center nietsche - n...
2000 - cultural center - völklingen - ge...
1999 - transformation of the council hal...
1998 - luxembourg architecture prize for...
1996 - international competition for the...
1997 - music theater - linz - austria
1997 - reconstruction of the castle bens...
1997 - competition history & art museum...
1997 - competition philharmonie - luxemb...
1997 - reorganisation of an extension of...
1996 - international competition for the...
1996 - gallery clairefontaine - luxembou...
1995 - architecture prize sachsen-anhalt...
1994 - state prize in the field of plann...
1994 - competition invited entry museum...
1991 - world center of peace - verdun -...
1990 - hairdressing salon - vienna - aus...
1990 - luxembourg pavillion for the worl...
1990 - austrian pavillion world expo - s...
1989 - tutesall (transformation of the o...
1988 - steel construction CBLI staalprij...
1986 - panoramic tower mount st jean - d...
1984 - tower st marc - schengen - luxem...
2022 – halls of residence for students a...
2020 – competition for an educational ce...
2018 - luxembourg learning centre - esch...
2018 - campus planning of yangtze river...
2017 - dental university - krems - austr...
2017 - Workshop of Shanghai Business Uni...
2016 - completion nursery school, presch...
2013 - extension of the primary school -...
2011- competition for boarding school "c...
2011 - competition for high school - köl...
2011 - project for gastronomy school - r...
2009 - competition campus for an art uni...
2009 - competition for university in dal...
2009 - competition for economy high scho...
2009 - competition for international sch...
2009 - transformation of lycée classique...
2008 - competition for anton bruckner un...
2007 - competition for school - sanem -...
2007 - competition for agricultural tech...
2007 - competition for germano-lux high...
2006 - competition university building "...
2006 - preschool and primary school - we...
2004 - competition european school - mam...
2004 - primary school - esch/alzette - l...
2004 - competition campus university wes...
2003 - nursery - wintrange - luxembourg
2003 - renovation of the primary school...
2003 - nursery school, preschool and pri...
2001 - competition invited entry new sch...
1996 - school prandaugasse - vienna- aus...
1994 - school - vienna - austria
1992 - children house - trier - germany
1985 - commercial college - vienna - aus...
1984 - school center - vienna - austria
sport & leisure
2020 - sports hall for a primary school...
2010 - competition air fitness trail - g...
2007 - competition for indoor & outdoor...
2007 - bath and spa leisure center "les...
2007 - wellness and spa hotel st nicolas...
2006 - competition thermal swimming-pool...
2006 - indoor bath complex - bonnevoie -...
1999 - changing room and bar for soccer...
1998 - transformation sports hall lycee...
1989 - spa resort bad tatzmannsdorf - ta...
urban planning
2014 - small town residents housing - zh...
2013 - water skiing slope - schengen - l...
2013 - particular development plan - con...
2013 - promenade - schengen - luxembourg
2011 - schengen-park -beijing - china
2009 - boulevard - baku - azerbaijan
2009 - marina - baku - azerbaijan
2007 - development of the esplanade, a c...
2006 - village square - remerschen - lux...
2005 - arrangement keiweschplatz - remer...
2000 - invited entry urban planning comp...
2000 - development plan - kirchberg - lu...
2000 - development plan kopstal - op der...
1999 - invited entry urban planning comp...
1999 - competition "perfektastraße" - vi...
1997 - competition reorganisation of the...
1996 - competition "living without the c...
1996 - developers competition franz-jona...
1993 - competition for urban expansion s...
1993 - competition invited entry hindenb...
1992 - urban ideas competition cents - l...
1992 - urban ideas competition folsterhö...
1992 - traffic circle schumann - luxembo...
1991 - pedestrian zone behind palace gra...
1986 - capital area in st paul minnesota...
1986 - tunnel st esprit - luxembourg - l...
1985 - competition place clairefontaine...
1985 - competition place de l'étoile - l...
2015 - senior residence "les jardins de...
2015 - mother and child center CHL - lux...
2013 - day nursery CHL - luxembourg - lu...
2009 - competition invited entry nursery...
2012 - pharmacy goedert - luxembourg - l...
2010 - competition nursery st peter - tr...
2007 - competition invited entry nursery...
2008 - senior's house of care „elysis 2“...
2006 - competition for old person´s cent...
2006 - invited entry competition geriatr...
2005 - co-operative procedure for the me...
2004 - senior residence - heisdorf - lux...
2003 - senior's house of care „elysis“ -...
2000 - competition Invited entry for a d...
2000 - competition invited entry for the...
2000 - competition invited entry for a...
2000 - senior residence “an der großen b...
2000 - senior residence and hotel in col...
1998 - childrens day care center - bette...
1996 - nursing home - wasserbillig - lux...
2019 - restaurant - kanzem - germany
2013 - « le bistrot italien » - schwebsa...
2013 - bistrot - schengen - luxembourg
2011 - « le chalet » - remerschen - luxe...
2009 - « le bistrot gourmand » - remersc...
2004 - theatre square and brasserie - lu...
2001 - restaurant wasserkühler - saarbrü...
2000 - 23 café wipro „in den wiesen“ - v...
1995 - winery on the moselle cep d'or 19...
1993 - competition invited entry union b...
1987 - pavillon galgenberg - esch/alzett...
1982 - restaurant "phoenix" - luxembourg...
1980 - restaurant "leo" - mödling-vienna...
2018 - gare routière - remich - luxembou...
2015 - „pontonboot“ - schengen - luxembo...
2012 - project for a service station - s...
2008 - ruppert winery - schengen - luxem...
2000 - commercial complex favoriten stra...
2000 - commercial complex and movie - ha...
1996 - thun-hohenstein store - vienna -...
1995 - commercial complex and hotel - ha...
1992 - hotel and commercial complex - de...
1990 - commercial center and habitation...
2013 - competition castle of water - gas...
2011 - project extension of the city hal...
2009 - competition for district court -...
2008 - competition hotel - lemberg - ukr...
2006 - competition invited entry aspern...
2007 - parking lot - bonnevoie - luxembo...
2007 - a shed - remerschen - luxembourg
2005 - extension of the industrial premi...
2004 - competition hotel ibis - esch/alz...
2003 - competition invited entry altar a...
2003 - competition integration center -...
2001 - competition invited entry viaduc...
2000 - invited entry expert report braue...
2000 - expert report reworking of the te...
2000 - competition mautner markthof schl...
2000 - lackerhof, liftstation, nö - vien...
2000 - city center facades - halle-neust...
1999 - expert competition höchstädtplatz...
1999 - study lienenamtsgasse - vienna -...
1999 - expert-report test project KDAG "...
1999 - transformation power station - we...
1998 - competition city 2000 - vienna -...
1998 - scs cableliner nö - austria
1997 - competition dr vogler - zell/sell...
1995 - disaster and emergency services -...
1995 - developers competition kragan/wes...
1994 - fire station - schengen - luxembo...
1992 - competition expo 2000 - hannover...
1992 - international ideas competition b...
1992 - mill bestgen - schifflange - luxe...
1991 - redesign of castle collart - bett...
1991 - crematorium hamm - luxembourg - l...
1988 - fire brigade station - itzig - lu...
1987 - fire brigade station - salzburg -...
1987 - gas station motorway trier - luxe...
1981 - fire brigade station - mödling-vi...
1981 - civil protection - vienna - austr...
1980 - 2nd prize IBA - berlin - germany
2022 – halls of residence for students a...
2017 - dental university - krems - austr...
2014 - concert hall, swimming pool & mun...
2014 – competition for the “haus der mus...
2008 - competition for anton bruckner un...
2007 - competition invited entry nursery...
2006 - administrative and industrial bui...
2006 - competition invited entry for apa...
2006 - invited entry competition geriatr...
2006 - competition invited entry aspern...
2005 - competition housing developement...
2005 - competition housing developement...
2005 - apartment building am gleisdreiec...
2005 - residential complex schwechat-fra...
2006 - house for mozart - salzburg - aus...
2005 - competition invited entry boardin...
2004 - competition "wohnen am park" - vi...
2004 - competition invited entry "heller...
2003 - competition invited entry altar a...
2003 - atteneder house scherbandgasse -...
2000 - invited entry expert report braue...
2000 - commercial complex favoriten stra...
2000 - competition mautner markthof schl...
2000 - lackerhof, liftstation, nö - vien...
2000 - competition invited entry for hou...
2000 - competition Invited entry for a d...
2000 - expert report reworking of the te...
2000 - factory möllersdorf - vienna - au...
2000 - 23 café wipro „in den wiesen“ - v...
2000 - apartment building anton boschgas...
2000 - housing and offices, transformati...
2000 - city center facades - halle-neust...
1999 - expert-report test project KDAG "...
1999 - study lienenamtsgasse - vienna -...
1999 - expert competition höchstädtplatz...
1999 - transformation of the old leather...
1999 - private house - vienna - austria
1999 - competition "perfektastraße" - vi...
1998 - competition city 2000 - vienna -...
1998 - housing development - purkersdorf...
1997 - housing estate “help to the famil...
1997 - music theater - linz - austria
1997 - “housing and working”, ma 24 - vi...
1997 - music theater - linz - austria
1997 - private house - vienna - austria
1997 - competition dr vogler - zell/sell...
1997 - private house (am seitweg) - klos...
1997 - private house - vienna - austria
1996 - competition gasometer simmering -...
1996 - local authority housing-former sc...
1996 - transformation of the porcelain h...
1996 - developers competition franz-jona...
1996 - school prandaugasse - vienna- aus...
1996 - competition "living without the c...
1996 - social building GESIBA - vienna -...
1995 - embassy of luxembourg - vienna -...
1995 - developers competition kragan/wes...
1995 - office and appartments - schwegle...
1995 - house (am josefssteig) - klostern...
1992 - renovation and extension mannswör...
1994 - competition invited entry living...
1994 - school - vienna - austria
1995 - commercial complex and hotel - ha...
1993 - competition for urban expansion s...
1992 - house hermann and atelier hermann...
1990 - hairdressing salon - vienna - aus...
1990 - housing, erlachgasse - vienna - a...
1989 - spa resort bad tatzmannsdorf - ta...
1987 - fire brigade station - salzburg -...
1985 - commercial college - vienna - aus...
1984 - school center - vienna - austria
1981 - fire brigade station - mödling-vi...
1981 - civil protection - vienna - austr...
1980 - restaurant "leo" - mödling-vienna...
1979 - honorable mention "a house for k....
1979 - schinkel house - austria
2009 - marina - baku - azerbaijan
2009 - two villas - baku - azerbaijan
2009 - boulevard - baku - azerbaijan
2016 - festival open air mozarteum - tra...
in progress - sunscreen for austrian emb...
in progress - Harbin Hepingcun Hotel and...
2018 – shahe residential building & land...
2017 – renovation of the guang fulin the...
2015 – low-carbon city - shenzhen - chin...
2015 – house for a famous art collector...
2014 - small town residents housing - zh...
2011 - schengen-park -beijing - china
2010 - housing development - beijing - c...
2010 - pavillion of luxembourg for the e...
2009 - competition for university in dal...
2021 - residential housing « coeur impér...
2011- competition for boarding school "c...
1991 - world center of peace - verdun -...
2019 - restaurant - kanzem - germany
2017 – new concert hall with outdoor fa...
2016 - theater am ring - saarlouis - ger...
2015 - competition beethoven festspielha...
2013 - PAP and construction of an apartm...
2012 - competition observation tower - k...
2012 - competition construction commemor...
2011 - competition for high school - köl...
2010 - project donnerpark - saarlouis -...
2010 - competition nursery st peter - tr...
2010 - competition for administrative bu...
2010 - competition music school - saarbr...
2010 - competition air fitness trail - g...
2009 - transformation of the old post te...
2009 - competition for concerthall beeth...
2009 - competition for economy high scho...
2009 - theatre scenes : opera andre chen...
2009 - competition for district court -...
2001 - rackey gallery - bad-honnef - ger...
2007 - congress hall - saarbrücken - ger...
2007 - private house - trier - germany
2007 - competition for museum constructi...
2006 - commercial premises for society h...
2006 - competition museum and gallery of...
2006 - competition thermal swimming-pool...
2005 - co-operative procedure for the me...
2005 - culture center - aachen - germany
2004 - competition campus university wes...
2003 - tower of dreams and longings - tr...
2003 - competition integration center -...
2001 - documentation center nietsche - n...
2001 - restaurant wasserkühler - saarbrü...
2000 - competition invited entry for a...
2000 - senior residence and hotel in col...
2000 - city center facades - halle-neust...
2000 - cultural center - völklingen - ge...
2000 - senior residence “an der großen b...
1999 - transformation power station - we...
1997 - private house transformation - ba...
1997 - reconstruction of the castle bens...
1997 - apartment building - cologne - ge...
1997 - individual and semi-detached hous...
1997 - house karow - berlin - germany
1996 - international competition for the...
1995 - competition building for parliame...
1996 - housing Postdam, 2 + 3 - berlin...
1995 - apartment building - halle-saale...
1995 - architecture prize sachsen-anhalt...
1994 - competition invited entry museum...
1993 - competition invited entry union b...
1992 - hotel and commercial complex - de...
1992 - urban ideas competition folsterhö...
1992 - international ideas competition b...
1992 - competition expo 2000 - hannover...
1992 - children house - trier - germany
1990 - commercial center and habitation...
1986 - villa rauchstraße for I.B.A. - b...
1980 - 2nd prize IBA - berlin - germany
In progress - terraced houses - ellange...
In progress - 2 private houses - remersc...
in progress - immeuble de bureaux "le tr...
in progress – administration building –...
in progress - wäinhaus - ehnen - luxembo...
in progress – administration building “m...
in progress - ateliers for a company - m...
in progress - apartment building - niede...
2020 - administrative building - cloche...
2020 - transformation of a winegrowers h...
2020 - administrative building - cloche...
2020 - sports hall for a primary school...
2019 - apartment building “kräizbierg” -...
2018 - luxembourg learning centre - esch...
2018 - private house - bech-kleinmacher...
2018 - gare routière - remich - luxembou...
2018 - luxembourg learning centre - esch...
2017 - transformation of a barn into a h...
2017 - post headquarter competition - lu...
2017 - extension of a private house - li...
2017 - private house - gonderange - luxe...
2017 - valentiny foundation - remerschen...
2016 - residential building “route d’esc...
2016 - extension of a private house - di...
2016 - completion nursery school, presch...
2015 - biodiversum "haff remich" - remer...
2015 - senior residence "les jardins de...
2015 - mother and child center CHL - lux...
2017 - private house - gonderange - luxe...
2015 - private house obertin-marx - well...
2015 - koch'haus - schengen - luxembour...
2015 - „pontonboot“ - schengen - luxembo...
2014 – general development plan & subdiv...
2014 - private house - grevenmacher - lu...
2014 - kiosk, house & apartment - scheng...
2014 - 23 serial houses rilspert - bertr...
2013 - day nursery CHL - luxembourg - lu...
2013 - « le bistrot italien » - schwebsa...
2013 - competition housing development d...
2013 - competition housing development d...
2013 - competition castle of water - gas...
2013 - particular development plan - con...
2013 - private houses « op der wollefska...
2013 - transformation of a private house...
2013 - apartment house rue des platanes...
2013 - 4 private houses - canach - luxem...
2013 - bistrot - schengen - luxembourg
2012 - pharmacy goedert - luxembourg - l...
2012 - community hall - neuhausen - luxe...
2012 - competition housing development-...
2012 - demolition and new office buildin...
2011 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2011 - extension of a wintergarden for a...
2011 - « le chalet » - remerschen - luxe...
2011 - extension of a wintergarden for a...
2011 - column of nations - schengen - lu...
2011 - transformation private house - re...
2011 - private house & wine cellar - sch...
2011 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2011 - private house and swimming pool -...
2010 - construction of a day-nursery for...
2010 - private house - remerschen - luxe...
2013 - promenade - schengen - luxembourg
2010 - arrangement of the promenade - be...
2010 - apartment house - bertrange - lux...
2010 - housing development district grün...
2009 - private house extension - liefran...
2009 - private house - walferdange - lux...
2009 - « le bistrot gourmand » - remersc...
2009 - competition for international sch...
2009 - renovation of a private house - r...
2008 - ruppert winery - schengen - luxem...
2008 - senior's house of care „elysis 2“...
2008 - apartment house a spunjesch - rem...
2007 - competition for school - sanem -...
2007 - private house - wormeldange - lux...
2007 - a shed - remerschen - luxembourg
2007 - competition for agricultural tech...
2007 - competition for germano-lux high...
2007 - competition for indoor & outdoor...
2006 - jankowitz office and residential...
2007 - private house - mamer - luxembour...
2007 - bath and spa leisure center "les...
2007 - private house extension - remersc...
2007 - administrative building moes - re...
2007 - dwelling house a woiwer - differd...
2007 - wellness and spa hotel st nicolas...
2006 - competition administrative buildi...
2006 - indoor bath complex - bonnevoie -...
2006 - competition for old person´s cent...
2006 - competition university building "...
2006 - village square - remerschen - lux...
2006 - avalon housing development, house...
2006 - commerzbank - kirchberg - luxembo...
2006 - private houses - remerschen - lux...
2006 - private house - machtum - luxembo...
2006 - commerzbank - kirchberg - luxembo...
2006 - preschool and primary school - we...
2005 - private house - Liefrange - luxem...
2005 - competition for local building of...
2005 - extension of the industrial premi...
2005 - eu-information center - schengen...
2009 - transformation of lycée classique...
2005 - dance cubes, place of grand theat...
2004 - theatre square and brasserie - lu...
2004 - primary school - esch/alzette - l...
2004 - competition european school - mam...
2004 - senior residence - heisdorf - lux...
2004 - competition hotel ibis - esch/alz...
2003 - nursery - wintrange - luxembourg
2003 - competition for police station -...
2003 - senior's house of care „elysis“ -...
2003 - nursery school, preschool and pri...
2003 - nursery - wintrange - luxembourg
2003 - renovation of the primary school...
2003 - competition konrad adenauer build...
2002 - konrad adenauer house - luxembour...
2002 - houses and offices - luxembourg
2002 - private house extension - strasse...
2001 - competition invited entry new sch...
2001 - viaduct pulvermühle - luxembourg...
2000 - invited entry urban planning comp...
2000 - youth hostel - remerschen - luxem...
2000 - private house - wellenstein - lux...
2000 - transformation of the city hall -...
2000 - development plan - kirchberg - lu...
2000 - extension of administration build...
2000 - competition invited entry for the...
2000 - semi-detached private house - kop...
2000 - cement works - esch/alzette - lux...
1999 - private house - remich - luxembou...
1999 - invited entry urban planning comp...
2000 - development plan kopstal - op der...
1999 - changing room and bar for soccer...
1998 - childrens day care center - bette...
1998 - transformation sports hall lycee...
1998 - luxembourg architecture prize for...
1998 - avalon housing development, house...
1997 - competition history & art museum...
1997 - competition philharmonie - luxemb...
1997 - reorganisation of an extension of...
1997 - competition reorganisation of the...
1997 - privat house - samen - luxembourg
1996 - city hall - bech-keinmacher - lux...
1996 - nursing home - wasserbillig - lux...
1996 - gallery clairefontaine - luxembou...
1995 - winery on the moselle cep d'or 19...
1995 - luxembourg architecture prize for...
1995 - disaster and emergency services -...
1994 - renovation project- bascharage -...
1994 - apartment building - grevenmacher...
1993 - house “anna” - remerschen - luxem...
1992 - urban ideas competition cents - l...
1992 - social housing - grevenmacher - l...
1992 - housing and commercial building -...
1992 - mill bestgen - schifflange - luxe...
1992 - traffic circle schumann - luxembo...
1991 - crematorium hamm - luxembourg - l...
1991 - pedestrian zone behind palace gra...
1990 - apartment building rémerwé - luxe...
1990 - private house - boulaide - luxemb...
1990 - housing development in luxembourg...
1990 - redesign of castle collart in bet...
1990 - transformation of the shoe factor...
1989 - tutesall (transformation of the o...
1989 - private house - aspelt - luxembou...
1989 - private house - bereldange - luxe...
1987 - pavillon galgenberg - esch/alzett...
1987 - gas station motorway trier - luxe...
1987 - private house - bech-kleinmacher...
1986 - tunnel st esprit - luxembourg - l...
1985 - competition place de l'étoile - l...
1985 - competition place clairefontaine...
1985 - private house - wintrange - luxem...
1985 - private house - schengen - luxemb...
1984 - office HVP - remerschen - luxembo...
1984 - tower st marc - schengen - luxem...
1984 - office HVP - remerschen - luxembo...
1982 - restaurant "phoenix" - luxembourg...
2003 - competition for the opera house -...
2010 - competition concert and opera hal...
2005 - competition concert hall - wrocla...
in progress – open air concert venue at...
in progress – cultural complex and conce...
2020 – competition for an educational ce...
south korea
2011 - competition for opera - busan - s...
open architecture
speaking objects
rational - emotional
the harmony of differences
directors & associates
françois j.v. valentiny | Architect (Mag...
Axel Christmann | Architect (Dipl.-Ing....
Jeanne Petesch | Architect (M.Arch.), Pa...
Laurye Pexoto | Architect (D.E), Partner...
Anna Valentiny | Architect (M. Arch.), P...
Daniela Flor | Architect (Dipl.-Ing. Arc...
Magdalena Adamiak | Architect
Oliver Arenz | Dipl. Ing. (FH) & IT Mana...
Christine Baumstummler| Secretary
Axel Christmann | Architect (Dipl.-Ing....
Daniela Flor | Architect (Dipl.-Ing. Arc...
Kathy Klein | Financial & Administrative...
Katrin Trufanova | Architect
Jeanne Petesch | Architect (M.Arch.), Pa...
Laurye Pexoto | Architect (D.E), Partner...
Nina Effenberger | Architect
Tébélet Bakangadio | Architect
françois j.v. valentiny | Architect (Mag...
Anna Valentiny | Architect (M. Arch.), P...
Ning Zhang
Melody Zhu
Lily Shi
Sue Sun
former members
40 Years Valentiny hvp Architects
die geschichte der salzburger festspiele
hermann & valentiny
hermann & valentiny, architects
self-published works
architectural magazines
contributions on books
KPMG - luxembourg
beethoven festspielhaus bonn - germany
open air mozarteum trancoso - brazil
VALENTINY hvp architects
building site trancoso - brazil
in progress – new carpentry workshops - manternach - luxembourg
Location: Manternach (Luxembourg)
Client: Annen Plus SA
Year: 2013–
Partner: Yves Weinand